
October 10, 2011

Scenrios for Social Killer

Death chainmail has been round since mail has been sent to mailboxes, unresolved murderers happening around the world everyday with no evidence or cause... Technology advanced, people were able to communicate over the World Wide Web in 1950’s and ever since our technology advanced allowing us to socialise, nearly every household owns a computer, but ever since technology has advanced so has death chainmail, from letters it moved to emails and then onto IM’s, but now onto socialising websites and thousands disappear with no cause or evidence and is put into a top classified folder. However a child of the dad in the M16 gets their hands on the folder and turns into child’s play.

School Student speaking from America

‘September 11, 2011 a bad day for Americans as terrorist attack the twin towers leading in many deaths and injury’s, but ever since that day death chainmail has appear out of nowhere causing mystery deaths World Wide by Internet, some say it’s just a hoax, others say it’s to scare others for the fun of it, but only I know it’s the people who died in 9/11 creating these death chainmail’s I have researched the IP address and it is coming from that exact location but there are no networks there, how is this possible, why are they doing this, I will find out myself and end this mass murdering chainmail.’

 Character speaking

It was only a joke, someone I knew from another school sent me it everyone in school read the message after I sent it to five people, and them five sent it to twenty five until everyone had read this message, there are 568 students, 565 have forwarded this message to other schools, leaving three students to face their most feared, death. But can they escape death?

Most popular to our media focus group was the second idea about the 9/11 incidient and then death chain mails happening, so I would guess our group would go with that idea being the most popular choice, the scenario may be changed throughout our project to our liking and to make it more interesting for our audience.

October 09, 2011

What monster does our trailer feature - More to add onto this post

Speaking about our scenarios to the focus group the second idea about the 9/11 incident relating to death chain mails seemed to be at their best interest for a background story, so deciding on going with that idea hopefully unless changes our made the most related monster would be spirits would be the greatest monster to go with, so the deaths of 9/11 would of unleashed spirits in that area where they died and so somehow sending off death chain mails in order to kill others but no one knows for what purpose.

Spirits are a presence you feel, there are many types of them but ours will be dangerous and haunting spirits possibly even a ghoul which is a spirit but craves for human flesh and is classified with the undead a ghoul which does relate to our scenario, or a spirit intending to cause harm is a cacodemon with is assumed to be a demon in modern terms but is still a spirit, but at the moment it's a just a spirit that kills maybe we could even possibly come up with a new spirit?

Now abandoning the 9/11 idea because it isn't a selling movie, were still sticking to spirits but now we have had to come a new scenario, it will still be the same plot as our 9/11 idea but changing the event to something made up so we can make this event and location spooky to our liking and have some sort of story to this place, still including all the IP Address and death chain mails somehow coming from there.

October 02, 2011

Sub Genres of Horror

Since horror was created many different branches to horror expanded, like The Birds made nature out of control sub genre, and so since horror was made many others have joined the sub-genres of horror.

Torture Horror (Last House on the Left)
Sci-fi/Monsters (Aliens, Predator)
Vampire Horror (Interview with a Vampire, Dracula)
Slasher Horror (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Comedy Horror (Scary Movie, Shawn Of The Dead)
Supernatural Horror (The Ring, The Exorcist)
Cannibal/Zombie Horror (28 Days Later)
Werewolf Horror (American Werewolf in London)
Drama Horror (Psycho, Se7en)
Anthology Films (I Am Legend, Dawn Of The Dead)

There are many more of sub-genres related to horror there will properly always be new ones added onto the list in future and some are more favorites then others, sub-genres are there to describe what type of horror the horror film is.