For my A2 Media coursework I have created a poster, magazine front cover and a trailer these are the three things that will be used to advertise the movie to the audience, online users will be more informed about the movie because of the trailer will be uploaded to YouTube and will have a created Facebook and Twitter page to get social network users informed of this movie which is quite relative to social networking. Posters will get the eyes of the viewers and will require them to research the rest and also magazine front covers will inform readers, all three of these will help promote the movie and target my audience effectively.
I have aimed to target the audience by advertising and promoting the movie by using magazine’s, posters and a trailer the obvious purpose of me creating these is to create an awareness to the audience and getting them wanting to see the movie, by creating these I had to understand the conventions of a horror genre in order to create the horror effect.
Both posters are dark and the conventional colours of a horror genre (black, red)
Both contain date, title, tagline, main image showing it is a poster to the audience’s eyes.
Both showing a murder or about to murder also both showing the weapon used to kill.
Poster’s conventions are both placed in the same place following the rules expect for my tagline.
I also watched different genres such as Inception, the poster shows things not to include on a horror poster such as a gang with guns wearing suits this doesn’t apply that it is a horror but action.
Also in a public area where it properly is safest because of other people wondering the streets, but I can look at the conventions it has used to create a poster and use the way it has been created following the conventions.
For the magazine I had to review yet again a horror and one which isn’t so I can gain an idea of what to do and not to do but also gain a good understanding the conventions of a magazine front cover.
The Impact magazine shows the conventions of a horror magazine by the main image and also the use of blood that has been mixed with the words, the main colours are red and black showing the conventions of horror by using the primary colours and also when read the words such as ‘Vampires’ ‘Spooks’ ‘Bloody Good Show’ giving it the horror effect, it also is following all the conventions expect for the barcode. When reviewing the FourFourTwo magazine it is quite clear the colours used isn’t horror and the way it is laid out, the main image shows one person obviously the main story is about him but all magazine conventions are being followed correctly helping my knowledge on a magazine front cover.
And lastly the trailer, I picked The Exorcist trailer to watch because of how popular it is as a horror movie and also Psych 9 a more new horror trailer. The Exorcist shows a slower trailer to Psych 9 which is faster I think it is to meet today’s horror demands and back when The Exorcist was made horror was still evolving. This shows horror can be filmed in different ways with either tempo or even different killers, props and etc as long as it suggests it is a horror trailer.
The conventions are an important role for the audience eyes to understand what they are viewing, I followed all the conventions and never tried to move away from them and so should the media products should be easy for all of my audience to view and know what it is.