
March 26, 2012

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text? (Q2)

The combination of my products all work together, to help promotion of Social Book (the movie). Firstly my poster gives a hint of what the movie is about with a social network site (Facebook) displayed on a bloody phone by a hand covered in blood, this is to show our story that is social networking is killing people showing the power social networks have and the dangers of it. Secondly my magazine front cover I specially made a horror scheme to show off the main image that is Social Book and linked my poster onto my front cover as a ‘free poster inside’, the trailer will be made aware of when my poster and magazine front cover promotes the film, the audience will then view the trailer in order to know what it is and then can declare interest into the film.

Both of my ancillary tasks will be used to promote Social Book in a thought out way to attract as many people as possible, and so the internet will be the main choice to attract my audience knowing how popular the internet is, a Facebook page can be made to advertise the trailer and poster (poster can be printed out) also a twitter page would mainly be liking to be a trending topic also, attacking the two main social networking sites to distribute both poster and trailer aiming worldwide as well as nationally also advertising mainly through social networking sites links in with the story.

The poster can be displayed publicly in the underground and also in popular locations like South Bank, Central of Manchester etc and post onto billboards I think all three ideas will target the majority of the public and then relaying on socialising and social networks to get the films awareness around the audience. Whilst the trailer will be watched on YouTube and social network sites like any normal trailer would (being available to watch on all devices) All these should target the age range that I am proposing this movie to which is 16 – 25 but obviously this movie should appeal to over 25, being available online is a easy and free way to advertise to my audience and gaining the more busy and older types who do not use the internet will be able to view the advertisement in the most popular areas throughout England.

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