
September 12, 2011

Aliens Vs Predator Requiem - Posters & Promotion

Alien Vs Predator Requiem poster, this poster pretty much says it for itself, the predator and alien are the biggest images in the poster making it the most important image to the audience and also notice their equally the same size as each other meaning they have equal power, but in the middle the humans are small showing greater power to the predator and alien and that humans are weak also look how they are on guard with guns showing that danger is after them and they fear for their life's by sticking real close to each other for safety.

The colours are quite dark meaning its scary? Both predator and alien are in the dark looking over the humans whilst the humans are in the middle meaning their in their sight the bright light behind them confirm that they are visible to both alien and predator, and obviously the alien and predator gives the description of sci-fi movie, but the guns say action so claiming this movie is a sci-fi and action.

Another Aliens Vs Predator Requiem poster, seeing this tells a different story from the first one, this one shows that alien and predator has invaded/dominated planet earth and by their size on the poster they are seen as a huge threat on planet earth, also they are both facing each other like they are about to fight so they are not allied but at war with each other. This poster tells us it's a sci-fi movie because were viewing the earth from outer space already indicating what genre this movie will be and giving us a idea that aliens have maybe been involved.


I would say Aliens Vs Predator Requiem was promoted through YouTube and possibly on TV Adverts - Trailer of Aliens Vs Predator Requiem. Also browsing through google I found they had card's of AVPR Trading Cards to attract younger audience - Trading Cards of AVPR on sale and also they went in to the gaming industry on PSP maybe they went in to other consoles but cannot find any on google

They appear to done a bit of promoting their film maybe they didn't need to because of alien and predator are well known already before combining together to make this movie, perhaps not enough budget to expand the movie to their audience.

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