After our class discussion the class settled for horror to be the genre for our movie trailer, so with horror being the genre we'll be aiming for in our trailer I thought I would do gather some ideas from a couple of horror trailers that could feature in our trailer, YouTube will be my main source I will get my ideas from.
Firstly when the trailer is played normally a trailer like this appears it's a message like this I got from Paranormal Activity 2, I think starting of with a warning message like this one would be professional to start our trailer of and would give an scary effect before it's even started to say something like 'Not appropriate for the/younger audience...' etc, so giving the audience that warning to be aware of what is to come, and also straight away giving a idea of what genre is to come in this trailer which were trying to make is a horror. My thought of a trailer I would like to appear in our one is a black background in white letters giving it more of a horror genre, and to be a quick sentence like the one used above in that format as well.
The trailer Psych 9 shows a good amount of ideas that I would like to use as much of in our horror trailer, in this trailer and also the trailer we viewed in Media class 'Cardiac Attack' filmed by another Media group, the flicking light at the begin is a brilliant idea to start of an horror trailer, rising the tension already at the beginning and getting the viewers attention immediately and also combined with a person running at the beginning it's trying hard to get our attention and for us to watch to see why she is running, another part I found quite interesting is the black and white effect when a security camera is filming and a face quickly appears to make the viewer jump this is a classic horror tactic in order to scare the audience, but with that in mind I don't want it to be a classic but also expand on the idea to make a newer idea (show postmodernism) maybe the security camera waits and waits to build tension and nothing appears but then something jumps out from the window behind the television the security camera is connected to.
The tempo matters a lot to me, shown in the Psych 9 trailer it goes quicker that doesn't for me make it scary nor build any tension at all, I would like to make some parts slow to generate a bit of a fright for our audience perhaps it could go fast to explain the story of what is happening, also sound would be another important bit to the trailer especially non-diegetic sound, the sound that doesn't appear in the scenes creates this tension and ends it to scare the audience, also diegetic sound could appear in order to make the audience frighten maybe with a radio playing like in Final Destination 3 'There's someone following you' try and be clever with how we create this horror for the audience. Another crucial element is lighting in the scenes, dark is one thing we will have to use in order to make it a horror genre but the lighting has to be exactly accurate to not ruin the dark effects.
The Audience Themselves
I would like to get a survey and get as many people who enjoy horror to answer what they think about what type of monster is the most scariest so our group would know what is generally the most feared murderer in horror movies today. Firstly I would like to ask if they enjoy horrors, and how often do they watch horror movies, and then ask them what type of monster/murderer they fear the most in a horror so No.1 can be Zombies up to No.5 and then have a section for them to write down a few most feared in horrors, me personally I found demons the scariest to watch like what Paranormal Activity has done and maybe ask a max of 50 people to whether to decide on what we could use in our trailer in order to bring out a trailer our horror audience would enjoy.
This is really good :)