
September 21, 2011

The Ring Poster Analysed

The Ring poster analysed, straight away you look at this poster and there isn't much to tell from imagery expect for a black background representation darkness trying to give the impression of a horror genre, and the white ring including the words 'Before you die, you see' already telling us the technique used to kill people is when they see the ring but the mystery still remains, how does it kill? what kills people? Questions that the audience must find out in watching the movie itself, and also the comma between the sentence is that to emphasise on the scary effect or to take a breath before reading 'you see' it's kind of like taking your last breath when being frightened, the way it's laid out to me gives the impression that you will die if you see the ring firstly the audience reads top to bottom reading the 'Before you die you see' and then looking at the image of the ring and then nothing visually expect for information I don't know if they done that on purpose but seems like a great idea to put across the seeing the ring will kill you, the ring is quite blurry and has white lines going across it (I'm trying to look at it like I have never seen this movie) it does seem to add that bit more scary effect it seems like a ghostly white ring to me, notice the writing of the ring there's no capitals for the first word or second and it looks handwritten is that a clue to the mystery? The age of the person or a uneducated person or even both? And again the font looks ghostly something will a non-human presence it seems, this poster raises a load of questions that much be answered viewing the film that's the way the ring attracts their audience by making it a mystery to the audience.

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